115-120 Ml (1/2 Cup) Expressed Mothers' Milk
180 Ml (3/4 Cup) Cashews
2 Large Handfuls of Dried, Pitted Dates
60 Ml (1/4 Cup) Water
4 tsp Agave Nectar
4 tsp Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil (AKA Coconut Butter)
1 tsp Organic Locally-Harvested Honey (Commercial bees are kept and treated in a manner that is inhumane and definitely inconsistent to veganism)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp Dried Ground Ginger(not raw)-depending how strong you want it to taste-optional
Everything goes in the blender at high speed, you must scrape the sides repeatedly and continuously burst air pockets with a spatula when blending to ensure everything gets thoroughly blended. Blend for several minutes, until smooth and velvety-it will have the consistency of a thick yoghurt (if you need it thicker, add more Cashews as needed). This would go great with my "Honey Butter" Cakes, the frosting for which I made was more fruity and caroby. This would also taste great as a dip with banana slices or berries.
A footnote; don't worry if you don't produce enough milk to whip out this much breastmilk all at once. Eat some organic apricots (known to increase breastmilk production) and accumulate it in the fridge one pumping at a time if you must. I pumped (expressed) breastmilk twice, one in each day, to get this much simply because I am breastfeeding a 1 year old which as I'm sure you can imagine, requires a LOT of milk. This recipe is well, well, worth it but make sure you keep the breastmilk in the fridge and do not leave it in the refrigerator for more than a total of a week, after which it will go bad.
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